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Dr., Political Science

Hi, my research focuses on democratization, civil-military relations, populism, political violence, and terrorism.

My research has recently appeared in Research & Politics, DemocratizationStudies in Comparative International Development, Third World Quarterly, and Mediterranean Politics among others.

I am currently working on a book manuscript based on two pivotal chapters from my dissertation. While there is existing literature on the Kurdish Question, a comprehensive quantitative analysis of the ongoing civil conflict is still lacking. In this book project, I aim to bridge this gap by providing in-depth analyses of various aspects of the conflict. Specifically, I explore how the violence in the region influences the voting behavior of the Kurdish population. Additionally, I investigate how Turkish governments manipulate the level of violence for electoral advantages. Furthermore, I intend to delve into the role of ethnic tribes in fostering a sustainable resolution to the conflict. Lastly, I will examine the contributions and impacts of both state-led and civilian-led religious institutions in this complex and ongoing conflict.

©2020 by Huseyin Zengin.

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